
HRESULT TrainMicDlg(HWND hWndParent, PTSTR pszTitle);

Displays a dialog box that allows the user to train the engine for a particular microphone. This dialog box should be displayed at the request of the engine or whenever the speaker wants to display it.

· Returns NOERROR if successful, or one of these error values:



[in] Handle of the parent window. If this parameter is NULL, the engine returns NOERROR if it supports the dialog box displayed by TrainMicDlg, or SRERR_NOTSUPPORTED if it does not.


[in] Address of the string to use as the title of the dialog box. This parameter can be NULL to direct the engine to provide a default title.

Training information is associated with both the speaker and the microphone. Ideally, the TrainMicDlg member function trains the engine only for the microphone and any surrounding sounds, but it may also train for the speaker's voice.

If the engine does not supply this dialog box, the speaker cannot train it for the microphone; however, the application will still work.