
HRESULT BookMark(QWORD qwTime, DWORD dwBookMarkID);

Sets a bookmark in the incoming audio stream.

· Returns NOERROR if successful, or one of these error values:



[in] Time the bookmark is to take effect.


[in] Bookmark identifier. The grammar passes this identifier back to the application with the ISRGramNotifySink::BookMark member function.

Setting a bookmark pauses the engine when it starts processing the audio at or after the time specified by qwTime. The time is in bytes and can be retrieved by calling the ISRCentral::PosnGet member function. If the bookmark takes effect before an utterance, it prevents the engine from recognizing the utterance. When a bookmark is encountered, the grammar notifies the application by calling the ISRGramNotifySink::BookMark member function followed by the ISRGramNotifySink::Paused member function.