
HRESULT RealTimeGet(DWORD *pdwRealTime);

Retrieves the real-time setting for the engine. The real-time setting is the percentage of processor time that the engine expects to use during constant speech.

· Returns NOERROR if successful, or one of these error values:



[out] Address of a variable that receives the real-time setting. This value can be more than 100 for non-real-time applications (for example, transcribing prerecorded speech).

For most engines, the amount of processor time required diminishes markedly during periods of silence. For example, if pdwRealTime is 100, the engine takes one full minute of processor time to process one minute of speech. If pdwRealTime is 50, the engine takes 30 seconds of processor time to process the same minute of speech. This value is difficult to compute precisely, so it should be regarded as an estimate.