
HRESULT Add(BOOL fGlobal, DWORD dwCmdNum, SDATA dData, DWORD *pdwCmdStart);

Adds one or more glossary entries to for dictation to support during the current dictation session. The added glossary entries are appended to any existing glossary entries.

· Returns NOERROR if successful, or one of these error values:



[in] If this is TRUE, the glossary entries are added to the global glossary entrie set that is used in every application; Global glossary entries are saved across invocations. If this is FALSE it only provides glossary entries for the application. In general, applications should not modify the global glossary entry set.


[in] Number of glossary entries to add.


[in] SDATA structure containing a list of VCMDCOMMAND structures that describe the voice glossary entries to be added. Although they vary in size depending on the glossary data, the structures are contiguous within the list. The text that the glossary entries enters into the document is in the description field of the command.


[out] Address of a variable that receives the number of the first glossary entry added to the menu.

Glossary entries are numbered sequentially from 1 to n. New glossary entries are added to the end of the menu, so the first glossary entry added is numbered n+1. Unlike Voice Commands, Voice Dictation glossary entries do not support lists.