This interface is a notification sink that is supported by an application.
Member function | Description |
AttribChanged | Notifies applications on a voice-command site that a site attribute has changed. |
CommandOther | Notifies applications on a site that a command was recognized by another application, or that it was not recognized by any application. |
CommandRecognize | Notifies applications on a site that an utterance was recognized as a command on a voice menu. |
CommandStart | Notifies applications on a site that recognition processing has begun for a command. |
Interference | Notifies the application that the engine cannot recognize speech properly for a known reason. |
MenuActivate | Notifies applications on a site that a voice menu has been activated or deactivated. |
UtteranceBegin | Notifies applications on a site that the speech-recognition has detected the beginning of an utterance or sound. |
UtteranceEnd | Notifies applications on a site that an utterance has ended. |
VUMeter | Notifies the application of the current VU level, which indicates the loudness of the digital-audio stream. |