
HRESULT MenuCreate(PVCMDNAME pName, PLANGUAGE pLanguage, DWORD dwFlags,

Creates a voice-menu object to represent a new or existing voice menu for an application.

· Returns NOERROR if successful, or one of these error values:



[in] Address of a VCMDNAME structure that identifies the menu to create. The VCMDNAME structure contains an application name, such as "Excel," and a state name, such as "Main menu" or "File Open dialog box."


[in] Address of a LANGUAGE structure that indicates the language to use for the menu. If this parameter is NULL, the default language for the site's speech-recognition mode is used.


[in] Flag that indicates how to create the menu. This parameter can be one of these values:




Creates an empty menu with the given name. If a menu by that name already exists in the voice-menu database, it is erased. The new menu is stored in the database when the menu object is released.


Creates an empty menu with the given name. If a menu by that name already exists in the voice-menu database, the function returns an error. The new menu is stored in the database when the menu object is released.


Creates an empty menu with the given name. If a menu by that name already exists in the voice-menu database, the function returns an error. The new menu is temporary and is discarded when the menu object is released.


Opens an existing menu with the given name. If the menu does not exist, the function creates a new, empty menu. The new menu is stored in the database when the menu object is released.


Opens an existing menu. If the menu does not exist, the function returns an error.


[out] Address of an IVCmdMenu interface for the newly created voice-menu object. The application uses the pointer to this interface to call IVCmdMenu functions on the voice-menu object. If an error occurs, this parameter receives NULL.

An application can create a voice-menu object by loading an existing voice menu from the voice-menu database or creating a new voice menu. A voice menu need not be stored in the database; an application can create a temporary voice menu by setting dwFlags to the VCMDMC_CREATE_TEMP value. A temporary voice menu persists until the menu object is released.

An application can create more than one voice-menu object to represent the same menu — either one of its own menus or a menu for another application. For example, one application might do this to enumerate another application's menus.

More than one application can use the same voice-menu object. For example, Application A might call the IVoiceCmd::CmdMimic member function on a voice-menu object that represents a menu for Application B, while Application B uses the same menu object to recognize commands spoken by the user.