3.2 Example

The following code fragments briefly demonstrate how to call the interfaces from Visual Basic and C/C++.

Example 1: Calling Active Directory Interfaces (Visual Basic)

' How to get and set properties, call methods, and handle errors.

Dim MyObject as IADsXYZ

Dim MyVariable as String

' Set exception handling.

On Error Resume Next

' Assume that MyObject has been bound to an interface

' on an object. How to do this is discussed in the

' next section.

' Get a property.

MyVariable = MyObject.AReadWriteProp

If Err<>0 Then

' Put error handling code here.


' Set a property.

MyObject.AReadWriteProp = "A string value."

If Err<>0 Then

' Put error handling code here.


' Call a method.


If Err<>0 Then

' Put error handling code here.


Example 1: Calling Active Directory Interfaces (C/C++)

IADsXYZ *pMyObject;

BSTR bstrMyVariable;



// Assume that pMyObject has been bound to an interface on an object.

// How to do this is discussed in the next section.


// Get a property value.


hr = pMyObject->get_AReadWriteProp(&bstrMyVariable);

if (FAILED(hr))


// Put error handling code here.




// Set a property value.


bstrMyVariable = SysAllocString(TEXT("A string value."));

hr = pMyObject->put_AReadWriteProp(bstrMyVariable);

if (FAILED(hr))


// Put error handling code here.



// Call a method.


hr = pMyObject->AMethod();

if (FAILED(hr))


// Put error handling code here.
