

LONG tapiRequestMakeCall(lpszDestAddress, lpszAppName, lpszCalledParty, lpszComment)
This function enables an application to request the establishment of a voice call. A call manager application is responsible for establishing the call on behalf of the requesting application. The call is controlled by the user's call control application.


LPCSTR const lpszDestAddress
Specifies a far pointer to a memory location where the NULL-terminated destination address of the call request is located. The address can use the canonical address format or the dialable address format. Validity of the specified address is not checked by this operation. The maximum length of the address is TAPIMAXDESTADDRESSSIZE characters, which includes the NULL terminator. Longer strings are truncated.

LPCSTR const lpszAppName

Specifies a far pointer to a memory location where the ASCII NULL-terminated user-friendly application name of the call request is located. This pointer may be left NULL if the application does not wish to supply an application name. The maximum length of the address is TAPIMAXAPPNAMESIZE characters, which includes the NULL terminator. Longer strings are truncated.

LPCSTR const lpszCalledParty

Specifies a far pointer to a memory location where the ASCII NULL-terminated called party name for the called party of the call is located. This pointer may be left NULL if the application does not wish to supply this information. The maximum length of the string is TAPIMAXCALLEDPARTYSIZE characters, which includes the NULL terminator. Longer strings are truncated.

LPCSTR const lpszComment

Specifies a far pointer to a memory location where the ASCII NULL-terminated comment about the call is located. This pointer may be left NULL if the application does not which to supply a comment. The maximum length of the address is TAPIMAXCOMMENTSIZE characters, which includes the NULL terminator. Longer strings are truncated.

Return Value

Returns zero if the request was accepted or a negative error number if an error has occurred. Possible error returns are:
No recipient application is available to handle the request. The user should start the recipient application and try again.

A recipient application is active, but the request queue is full. The app can try again later.

The far pointer to the destination address is NULL.


An telephony-enabled application can request that a call be placed on its behalf by invoking tapiRequestMakeCall providing only the destination address for the call. This request is forwarded to the user's call control application which places the call on behalf of the original application. A default call control application is provided as part of Windows Telephony. Users can replace this with a call control application of their choice.

Invoking tapiRequestMakeCall when no call control app is running will return the TAPIERR_REQUESTDENIED error indication. Invoking this function before the user's call control application has picked up the previous request will return the TAPIERR_REQUESTQUEUEFULL error message. String parameters whose length exceeds the allowed maximum are automatically truncated.

See Also
