1.0. Introduction

The Unicode Standard, Version 1.1, is the newest version of the Unicode™ Standard. Unicode 1.1 includes the changes and additions that were made to Unicode 1.0 in the process of alignment with the international character encoding standard, ISO/IEC 10646-1, which was approved by ISO/IEC as an International Standard in June 1992, and published in May 1993. The character content and encoding of Unicode 1.1 is thus identical to that of the ISO/IEC 10646-1 UCS-2 (the two octet form).

This document has been issued as a technical report rather than a bound volume so that it can be released as soon as possible after the completion of ISO/IEC 10646-1. It describes the differences between Unicode 1.1 and Unicode 1.0, as published in The Unicode Standard, Volume 1 and Volume 2. Unicode 1.1 is thus defined by those volumes with the amendations and extensions provided by this document.