Locally encoded 'cmap's and 'name' strings

Previous versions of Microsoft Windows supported Encoding IDs in the 'cmap' and 'name' tables for specific Far East national encoding standards. The local encoding IDs are:


ShiftJIS (Japanese)


GB 2312 (Simplified Chinese)


Big 5 (Traditional Chinese)


Wansung (Korean)


Johab (Korean)

(Incorrect versions of this list have appeared in other references.) Fonts which use these Encoding IDs will work in Windows 95 and Window NT 3.51. However, a font that uses only local encodings may not run on other present or future Microsoft platforms.

Microsoft strongly recommends using Unicode encoding for 'name' and 'cmap' tables in new TrueType fonts. If a font contains both Unicode and local encoding subtables, the Unicode subtable will be preferred.

Note that in locally-encoded 'name' strings, all characters are two bytes wide; SBCS characters are padded with 0x00.