Appendix A: Archaic String Commands

These commands will be supported by all Digital Video drivers for compatibility with other MCI classes. These functions should be accessed through the setaudio and setvideo commands.




set items


Sets the state of various control items. One of the following items must be included:


audio all off
audio all on

Enables or disables all audio output. The audio presentation source may either be the external input or the workspace. This command affects the left and right audio channel simultaneously. The default value after an open is on.


audio left off

Enables or disables audio output to the audio left on left audio channel. The audio presentation source may be the external input or the workspace. The default value after an open is on.


audio right off

Enables or disables audio output to the audio right on right audio channel. The audio presentation source may be the external input or the workspace. The default value after an open is on


video off
video on

Video off sets the pixels in the put destination rectangle, or its default the client region of the current window, to black, but has no effect on the frame buffer. The window state command may be used to hide the window, when that is also desired. The source of video, whether its the workspace or an external input, might continue to store new images in the frame buffer, but they will not be displayed until a set video on. The default value after an open is on.