Appendix C: Video Overlay MCI Command String Syntax

Video overlay devices support the following set of commands which are a subset of those supported for digitalvideo devices. Video overlay devices also support notify, test and wait as optional flags. You can add either or all of these flags to any digital-video command.



capability item

{ can eject
| can freeze
| can lock
| can play
| can record
| can reverse
| can save
| can stretch [input]
| can test
| compound device
| device type
| has audio
| has video
| uses files
| windows}

capture items
freeze item

as file [at rect]

[at rect [outside]]

info items

{ file
| product
| still algorithm
| still quality
| usage
| version
| window text}

list items

{ still algorithm {count | number n}
| still quality algorithm
{algorithm | current} {count | number n}
| video source {count | number n}
| video stream {count | number n}}

load item


monitor items

{ file | input [method {pre | post | direct}]}

open items

[alias alias]
[parent hwnd]
[style {overlapped | popup | child}]

put items

{ destination [at rect]
| frame [at rect]
| source [at rect]
| video [at rect]
| {window [at rect] [client]}}

quality items

still name name algorithm algorithm
{dialog | handle handle}

realize items

[background | normal]


[at rect] from file


save item

filename [at rect]

set items

{ door {open | closed}
| still file format format
| time format {frames | ms | milliseconds}}

setaudio items

{ bass to value [over duration [clocktime]]
| source to {left | right | average | stereo}
| treble to value
[over duration [clocktime]] [input | output]
| [left | right] on | off
| [left | right] volume to value
[over duration [clocktime]] [input | output]}

setvideo items

{ still algorithm name [quality descriptor]}
| bitsperpel to count
| brightness to value [over duration [clocktime]]
| color to value [over duration [clocktime]]
| contrast to value [over duration [clocktime]]
| gamma to gamma * 1000
[over duration [clocktime]]
| key index to index
| key color to r:g:b
| on | off
| sharpness to value [over duration
[clocktime]] [input | output]
| source to {ntsc | rgb | svideo | pal | secam | generic}
[number value]
| still quality descriptor
| tint to value [over duration [clocktime]]
[input | output]}

status items

{ alignment
| audio
| audio input
| audio source
| bass [nominal]
| brightness [nominal]
| color [nominal]
| contrast [nominal]
| current track
| still file format
| gamma
| length
| length track trackno
| media present
| mode
| number of tracks
| position
| position track trackno
| ready
| sharpness [nominal]
| start position
| still file format
| time format
| tint [nominal]
| treble [nominal]
| video
| video key index
| video key color
| video source
| video source number
| [left | right] volume
| window handle
| window maximized
| window minimized
| window visible}

unfreeze item

[at rect]

update items

[at rect] [hdc hdc] [paint]

where items

{ destination [max]
| frame [max]
| source [max]
| video [max]
| window [max]}

window items

{{handle handle | handle default}
| state state
| text caption}

The following conventions are used in the previous table:




A specific term intended to be used literally. When used in the command column, it represents the MCI string command. When used in the arguments column, it represents a flag. For example, the capability command and the can play flag must be typed as show.


Place holders for information you must provide. The MCI command or flag associated with the information must precede it. For example, to use the alias words for the device_name with the capability command, type "capability words can play."


Divider for mutually exclusive arguments. When multiple arguments are separated by this symbol, only one of them can be used for each command. For example, the items in the list are mutually exclusive and you must select only one to use with the capability command. (Do not type the | with the argument.)

{ }

Required argument. You must include an argument enclosed by braces. For example, you must use one of the arguments can eject, can play, can record, can save, compound device, device type, has audio, has video, uses files with the capability command. (Do not type the braces with the argument.)

[ ]

Optional argument. For example, the alias, type, and shareable flags are optional for the open command. You can use any combination of these flags. You can also use optional arguments with a required argument. (Do not type the brackets with the argument)