The table lists the structures defined or used as part of the DCI specification. It also tabulates the usage for each of the structures.


This structure is the DCI Command header that is included as part of the two input structures for the various DCI calls: DCICREATEINPUT and DCIENUMINPUT.


The structure is used by a DCI Client to provide input parameters for all the DCICreate calls. The relevant fields differ for each of the three calls. Details are in the chapter providing the function specifications.


The structure is used by a DCI Client to provide input parameters for the DCIEnumSurface call.


Structure defined in the Win32® API that describes visible area of a region. This structure is used to pass a Cliplist to a DCI offscreen surface Provider.


This structure is used to return information about available support, during a DCIEnumSurface call. This structure is also used as a member of larger structures returned by the various DCICreate calls.


This structure must be allocated and returned by the DCI Provider in response to a DCICreatePrimarySurface call.


This structure must be allocated and returned by the DCI Provider in response to a DCICreateOffScreenSurface call.


This structure must be allocated and returned by the DCI Provider in response to a DCICreateOverlaySurface call.