2.1.5 LANGUAGE statement

The LANGUAGE statement is used to specify the language the resource file, or section of resource file, is written in. It may be placed anywhere within the resource script file that a single-line statement (such as ICON, CURSOR, BITMAP) may be placed. The scope of the language specified by a LANGUAGE statement is from that point in the script file to the next LANGUAGE statement, or the end of the file.

LANGUAGE <majornumber>,<minornumber>

where <majornumber> represents the language ID and <minornumber> the sub-language identifiers. The values specified in WINNLS.H should be used.

The LANGUAGE statement may also be placed before the BEGIN statement for MENU, DIALOG, STRINGTABLE, ACCELERATOR, and RCDATA resources, along with other optional statements such as CAPTION, STYLE, and so on. If the statement is placed here, its scope is limited to the resource being defined.