Call Drop

To terminate a call or a call attempt, the TAPI DLL can use TSPI_lineDrop on the call. This has the effect of hanging up on that call and making it possible to make another call.

If the remote party disconnects a call, the application will receive a LINE_CALLSTATE message with a call state of disconnected. To clear the call, the TAPI DLL must also drop the call by invoking TSPI_lineDrop on the call.

A call handle remains valid after a call has been dropped. This enables the TAPI DLL to still call operations such as TSPI_lineGetCallInfo to retrieve information about a call (for example, for logging purposes). The call handle is eventually deallocated by TSPI_lineCloseCall.


Disconnects a call, or abandons a call attempt in progress.


Shuts down operations for a call and deallocates (invalidates) the call handle