A True System Object Model

To be a true system model, an object architecture must allow a distributed, evolving system to support millions of objects without risk of erroneous connections of objects and other problems related to strong typing or definition. COM is such an architecture. In addition to being an object-based service architecture, COM is a true system object model because it:

The following sections elaborate on each of these aspects of COM.

Globally Unique Identifiers

Distributed object systems have potentially millions of interfaces and software components that need to be uniquely identified. Any system that uses human-readable names for finding and binding to modules, objects, classes, or requests is at risk because the probability of a collision between human-readable names is nearly 100% in a complex system. The result of name-based identification will inevitably be the accidental connection of two or more software components that were not designed to interact with each other, and a resulting error or crash—even though the components and system had no bugs and worked as designed.

By contrast, COM uses globally unique identifiers (GUIDs)—128-bit integers that are virtually guaranteed to be unique in the world across space and time—to identify every interface and every object class and type.5. These globally unique identifiers are the same as UUIDs (Universally Unique IDs) as defined by DCE. Human-readable names are assigned only for convenience and are locally scoped. This helps insure that COM components do not accidentally connect to an object or via an interface or method, even in networks with millions of objects.6.

Code Reusability and Implementation Inheritance

Implementation inheritance—the ability of one component to "subclass" or "inherit" some of its functionality from another component while "over-riding" other functions—is a very useful technology for building applications. But more and more experts are concluding that it creates serious problems in a loosely coupled, decentralized, evolving object system. The problem is technically known as the lack of type-safety in the specialization interface and is well-documented in the research literature.7.

The general problem with traditional implementation inheritance is that the contract or interface between objects in an implementation hierarchy is not clearly defined; indeed, it is implicit and ambiguous. When the parent or child component changes its implementation, the behavior of related components may become undefined. This tight coupling of implementations is not a problem when the implementation hierarchy is under the control of a defined group of programmers who can, if necessary, make updates to all components simultaneously. But it is precisely this ability to control and change a set of related components simultaneously that differentiates an application, even a complex application, from a true distributed object system. So while traditional implementation inheritance can be a very good thing for building applications and components, it is inappropriate in a system object model.

Today, COM provides two mechanisms for code reuse called containment/delegation and aggregation. In the first and more common mechanism, one object, the outer object, simply becomes the client of another, internally using the second object, the inner object, as a provider of services that the outer object finds useful in its own implementation. For example, the outer object may implement only stub functions that merely pass through calls to the inner object, only transforming object reference parameters from the inner object to itself in order to maintain full encapsulation. This is really no different than an application calling functions in an operating system to achieve the same ends—other objects simply extend the functionality of the system. Viewed externally, clients of the outer object only ever see the outer object—the inner "contained" object is completely hidden—encapsulated—from view. And since the outer object is itself a client of the inner object, it always uses that inner object through a clearly defined contracts: the inner object's interfaces. By implementing those interfaces, the inner object signs the contract promising that it will not change its behavior unexpectedly.

With aggregation, the second and more rare reuse mechanism, COM objects take advantage of the fact that they can support multiple interfaces. An aggregated object is essentially a composite object in which the outer object exposes an interface from the inner object directly to clients as if it were part of the outer object. Again, clients of the outer object are impervious to this fact, but internally, the outer object need not implement the exposed interface at all. The outer object has determined that the implementation of the inner object's interface is exactly what it wants to provide itself, and can reuse that implementation accordingly. But the outer object is still a client of the inner object and there is still a clear contract between the inner object and any client. Aggregation is really nothing more than a special case of containment/delegation to prevent the outer object from having to implement an interface that does nothing more than delegate every function to the same interface in the inner object. Aggregation is really a performance convenience more than the primary method of reuse in COM.

Both these reuse mechanisms allow objects to exploit existing implementation while avoiding the problems of traditional implementation inheritance. However, they lack a powerful, if dangerous, capability of traditional implementation inheritance: the ability of a child object to "hook" calls that a parent object might make on itself and override entirely or supplement partially the parent's behavior. This feature of implementation inheritance is definitely useful, but it is also the key area where imprecision of interface and implicit coupling of implementation (as opposed to interface) creeps in to traditional implementation inheritance mechanisms. A future challenge for COM is to define a set of conventions that components can use to provide this "hooking" feature of implementation inheritance while maintaining the strictness of contract between objects and the full encapsulation required by a true system object model, even those in "parent/child" relationships.8.

Single Programming Model

A problem related to implementation inheritance is the issue of a single programming model for in-process objects and out-of-process/cross-network objects. In the former case, class library technology (or application frameworks) permits only the use of features or objects that are in a single address. Such technology is far from permitting use of code outside the process space let alone code running on another computer altogether. In other words, a programmer can't subclass a remote object to reuse its implementation. Similarly, features like public data items in classes that can be freely manipulated by other objects within a single address space don't work across process or network boundaries. In contrast, COM has a single interface-based binding model and has been carefully designed to minimize differences between the in-process and out-of-process programming model. Any client can work with any object anywhere else on the computer or network, and because the object reusability mechanisms of containment and aggregation maintain a client/server relationship between objects, reusability is also possible across process and network boundaries.

Life-cycle Encapsulation

In traditional object systems, the life-cycle of objects—the issues surrounding the creation and deletion of objects—is handled implicitly by the language (or the language runtime) or explicitly by application programmers. In other words, an object-based application, there is always someone (a programmer or team of programmers) or something (for example, the startup and shutdown code of a language runtime) that has complete knowledge when objects must be created and when they should be deleted.

But in an evolving, decentralized system made up of objects, it is no longer true that someone or something always "knows" how to deal with object life-cycle. Object creation is still relatively easy; assuming the client has the right security privileges, an object is created whenever a client requests that it be created. But object deletion is another matter entirely. How is it possible to "know" a priori when an object is no longer needed and should be deleted? Even when the original client is done with the object, it can't simply shut the object down since it is likely to have passed a reference to the object to some other client in the system, and how can it know if/when that client is done with the object?—or if that second client has passed a reference to a third client of the object, and so on.

At first, it may seem that there are other ways of dealing with this problem. In the case of cross-process and cross-network object usage, it might be possible to rely on the underlying communication channel to inform the system when all connections to an object have disappeared. The object can then be safely deleted. There are two drawbacks to this approach, however, one of which is fatal. The first and less significant drawback is that it simply pushes the problem out to the next level of software. The object system will need to rely on a connection-oriented communications model that is capable of tracking object connections and taking action when they disappear. That might, however, be an acceptable trade-off.

But the second drawback is flatly unacceptable: this approach requires a major difference between the cross-process/cross-network programming model, where the communication system can provide the hook necessary for life-cycle management, and the single-process programming model where objects are directly connected together without any intervening communications channel. In the latter case, object life-cycle issues must be handled in some other fashion. This lack of location transparency would mean a difference in the programming model for single-process and cross-process objects. It would also force clients to make a once-for-all compile-time decision about whether objects were going to run in-process or out-of-process instead of allowing that decision to be made by users of the binary component on a flexible, ad hoc basis. Finally, it would eliminate the powerful possibility of composite objects or aggregates made up of both in-process and out-of-process objects.

Could the issue simply be ignored? In other words, could we simply ignore garbage collection (deletion of unused objects) and allow the operating system to clean up unneeded resources when the process was eventually torn down? That non-"solution" might be tempting in a system with just a few objects, or in a system, such as a laptop computer, that comes up and down frequently. It is totally unacceptable, however, in the case of an environment where a single process might be made up of potentially thousands of objects or in a large server computer that must never stop. In either case, lack of life-cycle management is essentially an embrace of an inherently unstable system due to memory leaks from objects that never die.

There is only one solution to this set of problems, the solution embraced by COM: clients must tell an object when they are using it and when they are done, and objects must delete themselves when they are no longer needed. This approach, based on reference counting by all objects, is summarized by the phrase "life-cycle encapsulation" since objects are truly encapsulated and self-reliant if and only if they are responsible, with the appropriate help of their clients acting singly and not collectively, for deleting themselves.

Reference counting is admittedly complex for the new COM programmer; arguably, it is the most difficult aspect of the COM programming model to understand and to get right when building complex peer-to-peer COM applications. When viewed in light of the non-alternatives, however, its inevitability for a true system object model with full location transparency is apparent. Moreover, reference counting is precisely the kind of mechanical programming task that can be automated to a large degree or even entirely by well-designed programming tools and application frameworks. Tools and frameworks focused on building COM components exist today and will proliferate increasingly over the next few years. Moreover, the COM model itself may evolve to provide support for optionally delegating life-cycle management to the system. Perhaps most importantly, reference counting in particular and native COM programming in general involves the kind of mind-shift for programmers—as in GUI event-driven programming just a few short years ago—that seems difficult at first, but becomes increasingly easy, then second-nature, then almost trivial as experience grows.


For a distributed object system to be useful in the real world it must provide a means for secure access to objects and the data they encapsulate. The issues surrounding system object models are complex for corporate customers and ISVs making planning decisions in this area, but COM meets the challenges, and is a solid foundation for an enterprise-wide computing environment.

COM provides security along several crucial dimensions. First, COM uses standard operating system permissions to determine whether a client (running in a particular user's security context) has the right to start the code associated with a particular class of object. Second, with respect to persistent objects (class code along with data stored in a persistent store such as file system or database), COM uses operating system or application permissions to determine if a particular client can load the object at all, and if so whether they have read-only or read-write access, and so forth. Finally, because its security architecture is based the design of the DCE RPC security architecture, an industry-standard communications mechanism that includes fully authenticated sessions, COM provides cross-process and cross-network object servers with standard security information about the client or clients that are using it so that a server can use security in more sophisticated fashion than that of simple OS permissions on code execution and read/write access to persistent data.