Service Control Manager

The Service Control Manager (SCM) is the component of the COM Library responsible for locating class implementations and running them. The SCM ensures that when a client request is made, the appropriate server is connected and ready to receive the request. The SCM keeps a database of class information based on the system registry that the client caches locally through the COM library.

Computers in a COM environment which support the ability to instantiate objects on behalf of a remote client offer SCM services remotely via an ORPC interface.16. To ensure connectivity, such SCM services reside at the same well-known endpoints as the COM Object Exporter17. on each computer. Note that unlike the Object Exporter service, which is required for a computer to expose COM objects remotely, the exposed SCM service is in fact optional and some computers may not offer it. Clients may receive references to existing objects on such a computer or cause objects to be instantiated on that computer through means besides the services offered by the SCM, such as a through a moniker binding mechanism.

These capabilities are the basis for COM's implementation locator services as outlined in Figure 15-1.

Figure 15-1: COM delegates responsibility of loading and launching servers to the SCM.

When a client makes a request to create an object of a CLSID, the COM Library contacts the local SCM (the one on the same computer) and requests that the appropriate server be located or launched, and a class factory returned to the COM Library. After that, the COM Library, or the client, can ask the class factory to create an object.

The actions taken by the local SCM depend on the type of object server that is registered for the CLSID:

Note that if the remote SCM determines that the remote server is actually an in-process server, it launches a "surrogate" server that then loads that in-process server. The surrogate does nothing more than pass all requests on through to the loaded .DLL.

ISCMSCM interface is defined as follows (SCMSCM.IDL):

//  Microsoft Windows
//  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995.
//  File:      scmscm.idl
//  Synopsis:      Interface for SCM to SCM communication.
//  This is the interface that needs to be supported by hosts that allow
//  activation of objects. Only one instance of this interface can be exported 
//  by the host.

interface ISCMtoSCM
   HRESULT ActivationRequest(
        [in] handle_t                               hRpc,
        [in] ORPCTHIS *                             orpcthis,
        [out] ORPCTHAT *                            orpcthat,
        [in] const GUID *                           rclsid,
        [in, string, unique] WCHAR *                pwszObjectName,
        [in] DWORD                                  clsctx,
        [in] DWORD                                  grfMode,
        [in] DWORD                                  dwCount,
        [in,unique,size_is(Interfaces)] IID *       pIIDs,
        [out,size_is(Interfaces)] OBJREF **         ppInterfaces,
        [out,size_is(Interfaces)] HRESULT *         pResults