Defining Interfaces: IDL

The Interface Description Language (IDL) is based on the Open Software Foundation (OSF) Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) specification for describing interfaces, operations, and attributes to define remote procedure calls. COM extends the IDL to support distributed objects.

A designer can define a new custom interface by writing an interface definition file. The interface definition file uses the IDL to describe data types and member functions of an interface. The interface definition file contains the information that defines the actual contract between the client application and server object. The interface contract specifies three things:

After completing the interface definition file, the programmer runs the IDL compiler to generate the interface header and the source code necessary to build the interface proxy and interface stub that the interface definition file describes. The interface header file is made available so client applications can use the interface. The interface proxy and interface stub are used to construct the proxy and stub .DLLs. The .DLL containing the interface proxy must be distributed with all client applications that use the new interface. The .DLL containing the interface stub must be distributed with all server objects that provide the new interface.

It is important to note that the IDL is a tool that makes the job of defining interfaces easier for the programmer, and is one of possibly many such tools. It is not the key to COM interoperability. COM compliance does not require that the IDL compiler be used. However, as IDL is broadly understood and used, it provides a convenient means by which interface specifications can be conveyed to other programmers.