Games and Multimedia Applications

All products that use DirectX must fail gracefully on Windows NT 3.51, but function properly on Windows NT 4.0 and later versions.

All products that use Direct3D or DirectSound APIs must provide a comparable user experience on both Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 95 to be eligible for the Designed for Windows NT & Windows 95 Logo.

Products that use Direct3D and DirectSound APIs without updating Windows NT using SP3 may be granted the "Designed for Windows 95 Logo" provided the product displays a meaningful user message and does not load on Windows NT.

Only products that use Direct3D or DirectSound are eligible for the Designed for Windows 95 Logo


Many of the recommendations listed below will become requirements in the next revision of the Designed for Windows Logo program so please review this section closely.

Future versions of the Logo will require Games and Multimedia applications with the following capabilities to support DirectX 5.0 (or later) or use the Win32 Multimedia subsystem APIs. It is recommended that applications with:

For more information on DirectX 5.0 please refer to the following web site: