UNC & Long File Name

To test direct network browsing with UNC paths: Open a file, and use the Save As command to save it with a Long File Name (LFN) and UNC paths (for example, \\ServerName\MySubdirectory\MyLongFileName) to a standard server. It should be possible to save and retrieve files without specifically referencing a network drive letter.

Here is how to test whether your product properly handles LFNs. Basically, LFNs must do the following:

  1. test
  2. test#test#test#test
  3. test#1234567890[on through 260]
  1. test (saved as “test.ext”)
  2. ###test (saved as “test.ext”)
  3. test### (saved as “test.ext”)
  4. test#;#+#,#=#[#] (saved as “test#;#+#,#=#[#].ext”)
  5. \\folder#one\folder#two\folder#three\folder#four\file

LFN Verification for Utilities:
Run the utility (that is, your product), and manipulate several LFN files. Open these files with their LFN and with their 8.3 aliases, and make sure they still relate to the same file.

Check overall LFN file structure to make sure its integrity has not been damaged.