Index Entries

The \xe control word introduces an index entry. Index entries in RTF are destinations. An index entry has the following syntax:

<idx> '{' \xe (\xef? & \bxe? & \ixe?) <char>+ (<txe> | <rxe>)? '}'
<txe> '{' \txe <char>+ '}'
<rxe> '{' \rxe #PCDATA '}'

If the text of the index entry is not formatted as hidden text with the \v control word, the text is put into the document as well as into the index. For more information on the \v control word, see "Character Formatting Properties" on page 34 of this Application Note. Similarly, the text of the \txe subdestination, described later in this section, becomes part of the document if it is not formatted as hidden text.

The following control words may also be used.

Control word Meaning
\xefN Allows multiple indexes within the same document. N is an integer that corresponds to the ASCII value of a letter between A and Z.
\bxe Formats the page number or cross-reference in bold.
\ixe Formats the page number or cross-reference in italic.
\txe Text Text argument to be used instead of a page number. This is a destination control word.
\rxe BookmarkName Text argument is a bookmark for the range of page numbers. This is a destination control word.