Directory of OpenType Tables

Required Tables
cmapCharacter to glyph mapping
headFont header
hheaHorizontal header
hmtxHorizontal metrics
nameNaming table
OS/2OS/2 and Windows specific metrics
postPostScript information

Tables Related to TrueType Outlines
cvtControl Value Table
fpgmFont program
glyfGlyph data
locaIndex to location
maxpMaximum profile
prepCVT Program
Tables Related to PostScript Outlines
CFFPostScript font program (compact font format)
fvarApple's font variations table
MMSDMultiple master supplementary data
MMFXMultiple master font metrics
Advanced Typographic Tables
BASEBaseline data
GDEFGlyph definition data
GPOSGlyph positioning data
GSUBGlyph substitution data
JSTFJustification data
vheaVertical Metrics header
vmtxVertical Metrics
Tables Related to Bitmap Glyphs
EBDTEmbedded bitmap data
EBLCEmbedded bitmap location data
EBSCEmbedded bitmap scaling data
Other Tables
DSIGDigital signature
hdmxHorizontal device metrics
LTSHLinear threshhold data
PCLTPCL 5 data
VDMXVertical device metrics