Creating Windows NT Groups and Users

To take advantage of integrated or mixed security for SQL Server, you must first create the Windows NT groups and users that will be authorized to access SQL Server. User Manageržprovided as part of the Windows NT operating system softwarežis the tool you use to accomplish this.

Start User Manager by choosing its icon from the Administrative Tools program group. For information about using this tool, see the User Manager online Help. If you have not been granted access to User Manager, have a Windows NT Administrator use this tool for you.

When the Windows NT operating system is installed, an Administrators group is created. When SQL Server is installed, all users in this Administrators group are given system administrator privilege (SA) on the SQL Server.

The recommended way to implement SQL Server security integration is to create two locally defined groups to access SQL Server. You could, for example, use User Manager to create a local group named SQLUsers that has user-level privileges, and another named SQLAdmins that has system administrator privileges. Then you can add individual users to these groups.

Members of local groups can be locally defined users, users defined in the domain, or global groups defined in the domain. If you are using domain security, you will most likely want to add usernames that are defined in the domain, so that a separate set of Windows NT accounts do not need to be maintained on the Windows NT-based computer running SQL Server.

The following guidelines will help you smoothly set up accounts with the Windows NT User Manager that can then be mapped to SQL Server login IDs: