Security Tools

The tools provided and recommended for managing SQL Server security are SQL Security Manager and SQL Enterprise Manager. Each of these tools is started by choosing its icon from the Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 program group. You can also use a Windows NT tool, User Manager, to create Windows NT users and groups.

These are the SQL Server security tasks you will perform with each tool.

To perform this task Use this tool
Set Server Security Options SQL Enterprise Manager or SQL Setup
Create Windows NT users and groups User Manager
Authorize Windows NT groups and users to access SQL Server SQL Security Manager
Manage SQL Server login IDs SQL Enterprise Manager
Manage database users SQL Enterprise Manager
Manage object permissions SQL Enterprise Manager
Manage statement permissions SQL Enterprise Manager

Note that this is a summary table and that each tool offers capabilities beyond those listed here. For more detailed information on the capabilities of each tool, see its online Help. For an overview of SQL Enterprise Manager capabilities, see Chapter 2, Introducing the SQL Distributed Management Framework.

If you have been granted appropriate access, you can also use Windows NT User Manager to create the Windows NT groups and users authorized to access SQL Server. User Manager is an administration tool provided as part of the Windows NT operating system software. On computers running the Windows NT Workstation operating system, this tool is named User Manager and can manage security for the local computer. On computers running the Windows NT Server operating system, this tool is named User Manager for Domains and can manage both domain- and computer-level security. Throughout this documentation, we refer to both versions of this tool simply as "User Manager."

Start User Manager by choosing its icon from the Administrative Tools program group. For more information, see the User Manager online Help. If you have not been granted access to use User Manager, have a Windows NT Administrator use this tool for you.

You can also administer SQL Server security by using a number of system stored procedures and extended stored procedures. A summary of these stored procedures follows. For more information on using these stored procedures, see the Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL Reference. Note that you are not required to use these stored procedures to manage security; SQL Security Manager and SQL Enterprise Manager are the recommended tools.

Stored procedure Description
sp_addlogin Authorizes a new SQL Server user by adding an entry to the syslogins table
sp_addalias Maps one database user to another.
sp_addgroup Adds a new group to a database
sp_addremotelogin Authorizes a new remote SQL Server user by adding an entry to the sysremotelogins table.
sp_adduser Adds a new user to a database.
sp_changegroup Changes a user's database group.
sp_defaultdb Changes a user's default database.
sp_defaultlanguage Changes a user's default language.
sp_dropalias Removes an alias login ID.
sp_dropgroup Removes a group from a database.
sp_droplogin Removes a SQL Server login ID.
sp_dropremotelogin Removes a remote user login ID.
sp_dropuser Removes a user from the current database.
sp_helpgroup Reports information about one or all groups.
sp_helpremotelogin Reports information about one or all remote server logins.
sp_helpprotect Reports permissions by database object and, optionally, by user for that object.
sp_helpuser Reports information about the users of a database.
sp_password Adds or changes a password for a SQL Server login ID.
sp_remoteoption Displays or changes remote login options.
xp_enumgroups Provides a list of local Windows NT groups or groups defined in a specified Windows NT domain.
xp_grantlogin Grants SQL Server access to a Windows NT - based group or user.
xp_loginconfig Reports the login security configuration of the server.
xp_logininfo Reports the type of account (group or user), the privilege level of the account, the map name of the account, and the permission path by which the account has access to SQL Server.
xp_revokelogin Revokes SQL Server access from a Windows NT - based group or user.