Summary of Statement Permissions

Following are brief descriptions of each statement permission. Statement permissions are not object-specific. They can be granted only by a system administrator (SA) or database owner (DBO). For more information about statement permissions, see Chapter 8, Security Concepts.

Create DB
User can create a database. This permission can be granted only by an SA, and only to users of the master database.
Create Table
User can create a table.
Create View
User can create a view.
Create SP
User can create a stored procedure for the database.
Create Default
User can create a default. (A default is a value that SQL Server inserts into a column if the user does not explicitly enter one.)
Create Rule
User can create a rule. (A rule determines what a user can enter in a particular column, or in any column that has a given user-defined datatype.)
Dump DB
User can back up the database.
Dump Trans
User can dump the transaction log.