Understanding Remote User Mapping

If AIRLINES is set up as a remote server for the local server RESERVATION, then from AIRLINES you can view information about the servers and remote logins.

Assume that you have the following servers listed in sysservers on the AIRLINES server:

select srvid, srvname from sysservers

srvid    srvname
-----  ----------
    0    airlines
    1    reservation
    2    marketing
    3    publications
    4    engineering

The following entries are in sysremotelogins:

select remoteserverid, remoteusername, suid from sysremotelogins
remoteserverid   remoteusername         suid
-------------- ---------------------- ------
             1   margie                  3
             1   dan                     4
             1   robin                   4
             3   NULL                    5
             1   NULL                    6
             4   NULL                   -1

The following entries are in syslogins:

select suid, name from syslogins

suid     name
------ ------------
     1   sa
     2   probe
     3   manage
     4   account
     5   writer
     6   agents
     7   doug
     8   mary
     9   steve

The preceding tables show that:

The remote user mapping procedures, plus the ability to set permissions for individual stored procedures, let the local SA control which remote users can access local procedures.

Note The password for a user's local login ID can be required to match the password for the user's remote login ID, as explained in Setting Up Remote Users.