Files Created by SQL Transfer Manager

When a transfer is performed, a number of files are created and are saved on the export server in a subdirectory that SQL Transfer Manager creates under \SQL60\BINN. For example, if the server TERRIER exports from the pubs database, a TERRPUBS subdirectory is created (\SQL60\BINN\TERRPUBS), during the export the files are placed there.

The types of files created by SQL Transfer Manager are:

.DRP file
A file of this type is created if the check box for the Include Drops option was selected. The .DRP file contains the DROP statements for the objects.
.IDX file
The .IDX file contains the scripts for index creation.
.LOG file
The .LOG file contains all server messages and errors, and informative messages that will help you recover from errors.
.SCH file
The .SCH file contains the database scripts that are used for transferring data and objects.
.TAB file
The .TAB file contains summary information about the tables in the database, including their names, segment information, size usage, and the number of rows in each table.
.TRG file
The .TRG file contains the scripts for trigger creation.