Stopping Replication from a Distributor

From a remote distribution server, you can stop replication by removing the authorization that allows a publication server to use that remote distribution server.

    To remove the authorization that allows a publication server to use a remote distribution server
  1. From the Server Manager window, select a remote distribution server.
  2. From the Server menu, choose Replication Configuration, and then from the drop-down menu that appears, choose Publishing.

    The Replication-Publishing dialog box appears.

  3. Choose the Distribution Publishing button.

    The Replication-Distribution dialog box appears.

  4. To stop a publication server from using this server as its remote distribution server, under Distribution Publishers, clear the option box for that server.

    That publication server can no longer use this server as a remote distributor. Published data from that server is no longer replicated but will continue to be preserved in the transaction log.

    If that publisher is later reconfigured to become a combined publisher/distributor or to use this server or another server as its remote distributor, every publication on the publication server must be republished, and all its subscribers must be resubscribed.

  5. Choose OK.

From any distribution server (either a remote distribution server or a combined publisher/distributor), you can suspend, edit, or drop scheduled replication tasks that are performed by the log reader process, the synchronization process, or the distribution process. For example, stopping a log reader task is a useful way to stop replication to all subscribers from a selected publication database.

    To stop a log reader task for a publication
  1. From the Server Manager window, select the distribution server.
  2. Under the selected server, double-click the Executive icon.

    The Task Scheduling window appears, with the Task List tab selected.

  3. From the task list, double-click on the task that will be suspended.

    For example, if the publication server AIREDALE has published a database named inventory, and if there are one or more publications from that database, then the distribution server task list will display a task named AIREDALE_inventory, with a Type of LogReader.

    The Edit Task dialog box appears.

  4. Clear the Enabled option.
  5. Choose Modify.

    The task is suspended. It appears in the task list and retains all its settings but will not be run by SQL Executive.

    To reinstate a suspended task, repeat the preceding procedure, but in step 4 select the Enabled option. For more information about suspending, editing, or dropping tasks, see Chapter 16, Scheduling Tasks.