Setting Subscription Options

The server subscription options determine the publication servers that are permitted to replicate to this server, and the destination databases on this server that are permitted to subscribe to publications.

    To set server subscription options
  1. In the Server Manager window, select a server.
  2. From the Server menu, choose Replication Configuration, and then from the drop-down menu that appears, choose Subscribing.

    The Replication-Subscribing dialog box appears.

  3. Define the publication servers that will be permitted to replicate to this server by selecting them in the Enable Subscribing from These Servers list.

    If a server is not registered with SQL Enterprise Manager or is not set as a remote server to this server, it will not be listed. To register a server, choose the New Server button and complete the Register Server dialog box that appears.

  4. Under Subscribing Databases, select the databases that will be allowed to subscribe to publications.

    If you have not yet created the destination databases on this server, go ahead and complete the subscription options now. You can later create the necessary databases and then return and edit the subscription options to authorize the new databases to subscribe to publications.

  5. Choose OK.