Stopping Replication from a Subscriber

While administering a subscription server, you can cancel subscriptions to selected publications or articles.

    To cancel subscriptions
  1. From the Server Manager window, select a subscription server, and then from the toolbar, select the Manage Subscriptions button.

    The Manage Subscriptions dialog box appears, listing publication servers that are authorized to publish to this subscriber.

  2. Open the publication tree for a publication server (choose the "" box).

    A list of that server's publications appears.

  3. Cancel the subscription.
  4. Choose Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

Another way to stop replication while administering a subscription server is to change the server's subscription options. You can remove the authorization that allows a publication server to send publications to the subscription server, or you can remove the authorization that allows a destination database to subscribe to publications

    To stop replication by resetting a server's subscription options
  1. From the Server Manager window, select a subscription server.
  2. From the Server menu, choose Replication Configuration, and then from the drop-down menu that appears, choose Subscribing.

    The Replication-Subscribing dialog box appears.

  3. To stop a publication server from sending replicated data to this subscription server, under Enable Subscribing from These Servers, clear the option box for that server.

    The publication server can no longer publish to this subscription server.

    Caution This does not stop transactions from being placed in the distribution database for this subscriber. To do that, first unsubscribe from the publication. This action should only be taken as an emergency measure, to stop unwanted data from being replicated to a subscription server.

  4. To stop a database on this subscription server from receiving replicated data from any publisher, under Subscribing Databases, clear the option box for that database.

    The database is no longer a destination database and can no longer subscribe to replicated data.

    Note This only affects future subscriptions.

  5. Choose OK.