Stored Procedures Used for Server Configuration

The following stored procedures are used by replication for server configuration.

Stored procedure Description
sp_addpublisher Adds a new publication server.
sp_addsubscriber Adds a new subscription server.
sp_changesubscriber Changes options for a subscription server.
sp_dboption Enables a database to publish or subscribe to replicated data. (Note that sp_dboption can be used to administer many nonreplication database options. For more information, see the Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL Reference.)
sp_droppublisher Drops a publication server.
sp_dropsubscriber Drops a subscription server.
sp_helpdistributor Lists information about the distribution server, database, working directory, and SQL Executive user account.
sp_helpserver Lists replication servers known to the server being administered.
sp_helpsubscriberinfo Displays information about a subscription server.
sp_replsync Used from a subscription server to acknowledge completion of a manual synchronization.

For more information about these stored procedures, see the Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL Reference.