Viewing the Task List and Running Tasks

You can view a list of the tasks that are defined for a particular SQL Server, and the list of tasks currently running.

    To view the task list and running tasks
  1. From the Server Manager window, select a server, and then from the toolbar, choose the Task Scheduling button.

    The Task Scheduling window appears.

  2. To view a list of existing tasks (both scheduled and disabled) for this server, select the Task List tab. The following information is displayed:
  3. To view a list of the tasks that are currently running, choose the Running Tasks tab. The following information is displayed:

    Note Queued tasks are also shown in the Running Tasks tab. For subsystems (task type) other than TSQL, a task may be queued if it is scheduled to run but there are no free threads available in the subsystem. The maximum number of threads available to a subsystem can be changed using regedt32. The default for all subsystems (except TSQL) is 10.

  4. To update the displayed information, choose the Refresh button.