Integration with Windows NT Performance Monitor

Three server options determine whether and in what mode SQL Server performance statistics are made available to Performance Monitor:

SQL Performance Monitor Integration
Provides SQL Server performance statistics to Performance Monitor. By default, the setup program installs SQL Server with this option selected.

When SQL Performance Monitor Integration is selected, SQL Server statistics are gathered and displayed using one of the following modes.

Direct Response Mode
In this mode, SQL Server statistics are gathered separately from the SQL Server Statistics display. Data is available immediately to SQL Performance Monitor, and response time is good; however, the statistics displayed are one period behind the statistics retrieved. This is the default mode.
On Demand Mode
In this mode, Performance Monitor requests and waits for the latest data from SQL Server during each Performance Monitor update (refresh) period. With this option, you get the latest data, but response time is not as good as with Direct Response Mode.

The time it takes for SQL Server to return statistics to the Performance Monitor using On Demand Mode depends on how busy SQL Server and the Windows NT - based server are. This mode is useful when monitoring a SQL Server statistic that is updated infrequently, or when monitoring SQL Server statistics and other system statistics in the same Performance Monitor view.

When using this mode, set the Performance Monitor update time (the refresh interval) long enough so as not to overload SQL Server with requests. For information on setting the Performance Monitor update time, see the Performance Monitor online Help.

When a new SQL Server is installed, by default the setup program configures it for integration with Performance Monitor, using the direct response mode. After installation, you can use SQL Setup to review or change the Performance Monitor integration options.

    To review or change the Performance Monitor integration options
  1. From the Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 program group, double-click the SQL Setup icon.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions until the Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 Options dialog box appears.

  3. Choose Set Server Options, and then choose Continue.

    The Select Server Options dialog box appears.

  4. Review and if appropriate change the settings for these server options:
  5. Choose Change Options.

    The new settings are processed.

  6. Choose Exit.