Viewing More Information

If you have SA privileges, you can view detailed information about a selected process. While viewing more information, you can also kill the process or send a message to the connected computer or user.

    To view more information about a process
  1. From the Server Manager window, select a server, and then from the toolbar, choose the Current Activity button.

    The Current Activity window appears.

  2. Select a tab (User Activity, Detail Activity, or Object Lock), and then select an item from the list in that window.
  3. Choose the More Info button.

    The Process Information For dialog box appears.

  4. Review the displayed information.
  5. To terminate the process, choose the Kill Process button.
  6. To send a message to the connected user or computer, choose the Send Message button and complete the dialog box that appears.
  7. To update the displayed information, choose the Refresh button.