Error 2509

Severity Level 16

Message Text

Table Corrupt: The row number and offset of each row in the page should have a matching entry in row number table: check this page (page#=%1d row#=%d offset in row number table=%d)


SQL Server detected an error in the internal structure that contains the data.


Run dbcc checkdb and DBCC newalloc to make sure there are not more serious problems in the database. This problem can usually be resolved by selecting into (SELECT INTO) from this table into another table. As a precaution, dump your database before following the steps below:

  1. Use the object number reported by DBCC checkalloc or DBCC newalloc to determine which table is involved. For example:
    select object_name(object id)
  2. Check that the select into/bulkcopy option is set to true for the database.
  3. Copy the table into a new table:
    select * into newname from problem table
  4. Run dbcc checktable(newname) to ensure there are no problems with the new table.
  5. Drop the old table:
    drop table problem table
  6. Rename the new table using the old table name:
    sp_rename newname,oldname

This error has sometimes been traced to problems with the disk I/O system. If you persistently run into this problem, run diagnostics on the system and contact your primary support provider.