
SQL Server 6.0 security comprises several elements that¾working together¾allow you to define:

SQL Server 6.0 gives you great flexibility for protecting your data. You can precisely determine which users are allowed to view and/or modify the information stored in your SQL Server 6.0 databases, in the tables and views of those databases, or even in individual columns. You also have the choice of administering users individually, or within the context of a group (thus simplifying some management tasks).

The chapters of this part explain how SQL Server 6.0 security interacts with security for Windows NT-based domains and computers, what the three types of SQL Server security are, what SQL Server 6.0 logins and database users are, and what SQL Server 6.0 object and statement permissions are. You will also learn about the tools that are used to perform each security management task, and how to perform these tasks.

Security topics are discussed in these chapters:

Chapter 8, Security Concepts

Chapter 9, Managing Security

Chapter 10, Remote Servers and Users