Type Definitions

DB-Library functions use the following type definitions. Use these when defining C program variables, particularly those in dbbind, dbaltbind, dbconvert, and dbdata.

typedef char            DBCHAR;        // Char and text
typedef unsigned char   DBBINARY;      // Binary and image
typedef unsigned char   DBTINYINT;     // 1-byte tinyint
typedef short           DBSMALLINT;    // 2-byte smallint
typedef unsigned short  DBUSMALLINT;   // Unsigned 2-byte integer
typedef long            DBINT;         // 4-byte int
typedef float           DBFLT4;        // 4-byte real
typedef double          DBFLT8;        // 8-byte float
typedef unsigned char   DBBIT;         // Bit
typedef unsigned char   DBBOOL;        // Boolean
typedef long            DBMONEY4;      // 4-byte smallmoney
typedef struct dbmoney       // 8-byte money
    DBINT mnyhigh;
    ULONG mnylow;
typedef struct dbdatetime4   // 4-byte smalldatetime
    USHORT numdays;          // Days since Jan 1, 1900
    USHORT nummins;          // Minutes since midnight

typedef struct dbdatetime    // 8-byte datetime
    DBINT dtdays;            // Days since Jan 1, 1900
    ULONG dttime;            // 300ths of a second since midnight


typedef struct dbnumeric     // Numeric (and decimal)
    BYTE precision;          // Precision
    BYTE scale;              // Scale
    BYTE sign;               // 1 = Positive, 0 = Negative
    BYTE val[MAXNUMERICLEN]; // Padded little endian value

typedef DBNUMERIC DBDECIMAL; // Decimal

#define DBMAXCHAR 256

typedef struct dbvarychar          // Pascal-type string
    DBSMALLINT  len;               // Character count
    DBCHAR      str[DBMAXCHAR];    // Non-terminated string

typedef struct dbvarybin           // Pascal-type byte array
    DBSMALLINT  len;               // Byte count
    BYTE        array[DBMAXCHAR];  // Non-terminated array