
Returns information about a SQL Server connection.


SqlProcInfo% ( sqlconn%, conninfo )


A SQL Server connection. The value of sqlconn% is returned by SqlOpen%.
A ProcInfo structure that DB-Library will fill with information about the specified connection.

The ProcInfo structure is defined as follows:

Type ProcInfo
    ServerType As Integer
    ServerMajor As Integer
    ServerMinor As Integer
    ServerRevision As Integer
    ServerName As String * 31
    NetLibName As String * 31
    NetLibConnStr As String * 256
End Type

The ProcInfo fields are described below:
Field Description
ServerType Is one of the following:

SERVTYPE_MICROSOFT if you are connected to a Microsoft SQL Server.

SERVTYPE_UNKNOWN if you are connected to an unknown type of SQL Server.

ServerMajor Is the XX value in the XX.YY.ZZZ version number of the SQL Server you are connected to. For example, 6.
ServerMinor Is the YY value in the XX.YY.ZZZ version number of the SQL Server you are connected to. For example, 0.
ServerRevision Is the ZZZ value in the XX.YY.ZZZ version number of the SQL Server you are connected to. For example, 101.
ServerName Is the name of the SQL Server you are connected to
NetLibName Is the name of the Net-Library DLL used to connect to SQL Server.
NetLibConnStr Is the Net-Library connection string used to connect to SQL Server.


succeed (1) or fail (0).


The SqlProcInfo% function fills the supplied ProcInfo structure with information about the SQL Server connection.

See Also
