sp_helplogins (version 6.5)

Provides information about current logins and the associated users.


sp_helplogins [LoginNamePattern]


Is a login username. This value can be any pattern understandable to the LIKE operator. The default is '%'.

For more information about the LIKE operator, see Wildcard Characters in the Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL Reference.


This procedure reports information on logins. The output consists of two reports. The first report contains information about each login name, including whether a login is associated with a remote login. The second report contains information about users and aliases associated with each login name. The second report gathers information from all databases.

In most cases the width of each column in the output reports is reduced to the length of the longest data value under each column. No data values are truncated.


This example reports on all logins that begin with repl.

sp_helplogins 'repl%'
LoginName       SUID   DefDBName DefLangName AUser ARemote 
--------------- ------ --------- ----------- ----- ------- 
repl_publisher  16382  master    us_english  NO    no      
repl_subscriber 16383  master    us_english  yes   no      
(2 row(s) affected)
LoginName        DBName          UserName         UserOrAlias 
---------------  --------------  ---------------  ------------
repl_subscriber  master          repl_subscriber  User        
repl_subscriber  msdb            repl_subscriber  User        
(2 row(s) affected)

Note In the first report of Logins, repl_publisher has an AUser of NO, which indicates that it is unusual not to be a user.


Only the system administrator can execute this procedure.