Remote Administration

By using the graphical management interface on a server or client node, you can manage the MS DTCs on remote server nodes. Doing so allows the system administrator to use an individual MS DTC installation as a central console for managing MS DTC transactions.

Remote administration of MS DTC requires the user of SQL Server Enterprise Manager to have permissions to the following registry key on the computers on which the MS DTCs reside:


By default, Windows NT enables remote access to registry entries, so if you wish to prevent users from remotely modifying MS DTC parameters, you should change the permissions on the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/CID key and all of its subkeys.

    To change permissions for remote access
  1. At the command prompt, type regedt32.
  2. From the Window menu, select HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT on Local Machine.
  3. From the list of keys displayed, select CID.
  4. From the Security menu, select Permissions.
  5. In the Registry Key Permissions dialog box, check the Replace Permission on Existing Subkeys check box.
  6. In the Name box, select Everyone.
  7. Click the Remove button.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Respond Yes to the message box to override permissions.

You can also assign full permissions to specific users as follows.

    To assign full permissions
  1. Do steps 1-4, above.
  2. In the Registry Key Permissions dialog box, click the Add button.
  3. In the Add Users and Groups dialog box, in the Name box, type the user names of those to whom you want to assign full permissions to.
  4. In the Type of Access box, select Full Control.
  5. Click OK.
  6. In the Registry Key Permissions dialog box, click OK.
  7. Respond Yes to the message box to override permissions.