ODBC SQL Server Setup

    To access the ODBC SQL Server Setup dialog box
  1. From Control Panel, double-click the ODBC icon.

    Note When using 16-bit drivers on Microsoft Windows NT or Windows 95, in the Program Manager window, open the Microsoft ODBC group and double-click the Microsoft ODBC Administrator icon.

    The Data Sources dialog box appears.

  2. Choose the Add button.

    The Add Data Source dialog box appears.

  3. From the Installed ODBC Drivers list, select SQL Server, and then choose OK.

    The ODBC SQL Server Setup dialog box appears.

The ODBC SQL Server Setup dialog box has the following options:

Data Source Name
The name of the data source. For example, "Personnel Data."
A description of the data in the data source. For example, "Hire date, salary history, and current review of all employees."
The name of a SQL Server on your network. You can select a server from the list or enter the server name. If the specified server name has already been configured (by another data source or by the SQL Client Configuration Utility), the Network Address and Network Library fields will automatically display the existing network information.

You can enter "(local)" as the server on a Microsoft Windows NT computer. The user can then use a local copy of SQL Server (that listens on named pipes), even when running a non-networked version of SQL Server. Note that when the 16-bit SQL Server driver is using "(local)" without a network, the Microsoft Loopback Adapter must be installed.

For more information about server names for different types of networks, see Microsoft SQL Server Setup.

Network Address
The address of the SQL Server database management system (DBMS) from which the driver retrieves data. For Microsoft SQL Server, you can usually leave this value set to (Default).
Network Library
The name of the SQL Server Net-Library DLL that the SQL Server driver uses to communicate with the network software. If the value of this option is (Default), then the SQL Server driver uses the client computer's default Net Library, which is specified in the SQL Server Client Configuration Utility dialog box.

If you create a data source using a Network Library other than (Default) and optionally a Network Address, ODBC SQL Server setup will create a server name entry that you can see in the Advanced tab in the SQL Server Client Configuration Utility dialog box. These server name entries can also be used by DB-Library™ applications.

Use Trusted Connection
Specifies whether the ODBC SQL Server driver requests a secure or trusted connection to SQL Server. This means that SQL Server will use integrated login security to establish connections that are made using this data source, regardless of the current login security mode at the server. Any login ID or password that is supplied is ignored.

To access the following fields, choose the Options button.

Database Name
The name of the SQL Server database.
Language Name
The national language used by SQL Server.
Generate Stored Procedure for Prepared Statement
When selected, creates stored procedures for prepared statements (the default). The SQL Server driver prepares a statement by placing it in a procedure and compiling that procedure.

To disable the creation of stored procedures for prepared statements, clear this check box. In this case, a prepared statement is stored and run at execution time.

The description of the current translator. To select a different translator, choose the Select button and in the Select Translator dialog box that appears, select a translator from the list.
Convert OEM to ANSI Characters
When selected, converts extended characters that are stored in the database to ANSI (for use by Windows-based applications). Select this option if the SQL Server client computer and SQL Server are using the same non-ANSI character set. For example, if SQL Server uses code page 850 and the client computer uses code page 850 for the OEM code page.

When this check box is clear and the SQL Server client computer and SQL Server are using different character sets, you must specify a character set translator.

The following profiling settings are available by choosing the Options button, and then choosing the Profiling button to display the Profiling Options dialog box.

Save Long Running Queries

Logs any query that takes longer than the Query Logging Threshold value. Click the Query File button to specify the long-running query log file.

Query Logging Threshold (milliseconds)

Specifies a threshold value, in milliseconds, for long-running query logging. Any query that takes longer than this number of milliseconds to run is logged.

Log Driver Statistics

Logs driver statistics. Click the Log File button to specify the driver statistics log file.

For information about connection options, see Driver-specific Connection Options.