Using Rowset Binding

    To use column-wise binding
  1. For each bound column
    1. Allocate an array of R (or more) column buffers to store data values.
    2. Allocate an array of R (or more) column buffers to store data lengths.
    3. Call SQLBindCol to bind the column's data value and data length arrays to the column of the rowset.
  2. Call SQLSetStmtOption with an fOption of SQL_BIND_TYPE and a vParam of SQL_BIND_BY_COLUMN to use column-wise binding.
    To use row-wise binding
  1. Allocate an array of R (or more) row buffers. Each row buffer should contain C data value buffers and C data length elements.
  2. For each bound column
  3. Call SQLSetStmtOption with an fOption of SQL_BIND_TYPE and a vParam of the size of a single row element to use row-wise binding.