
Returns the number of a remote stored procedure call parameter.


int srv_paramnumber (
namelen );


Is a pointer to the SRV_PROC structure that is the handle for a particular client connection (in this case, the handle that received the remote stored procedure call). The structure contains the information that the ODS Library uses to manage communication and data between the Open Data Services server application and the client.
Is a pointer to the parameter name.
Specifies the length of name. If name is null-terminated, set namelen to SRV_NULLTERM.


The parameter number of the named parameter. The first parameter is 1. If there is no parameter named name or if there is no remote stored procedure, 0 is returned and a message is generated.


When a remote stored procedure call is made with parameters, the parameters can be passed either by name or by position (unnamed). If the remote stored procedure call is made with some parameters passed by name and some passed by position, an error occurs. The SRV_RPC handler is still called, but it appears as if there were no parameters, and srv_rpcparams returns 0.

See Also

This entry For information about
srv_paramdata Returning the value of a remote stored procedure parameter
srv_paramlen Returning the data length of a remote stored procedure parameter
srv_parammaxlen Returning the maximum data length of a remote stored procedure parameter
srv_paramname Returning the name of a remote stored procedure parameter
srv_paramset Setting the value of a remote stored procedure return parameter
srv_paramtype Returning the datatype of a remote stored procedure parameter
srv_rpcparams Returning the number of parameters in a remote stored procedure