Canonical Date/Time Conversions

The ODBC specification supports canonical forms of date, time, and timestamps for input to the server as character literals and parameters. The Open Data Services ODBC driver uses the strings IDS_AUX_ECODE_PARSE_INFO1, IDS_AUX_ECODE_PARSE_INFO2, and IDS_AUX_ECODE_PARSE_INFO3 to convert canonical dates, times, and timestamps respectively into a DBMS-specific string specified by IDS_AUX_ECODE_TEMPLATE_xxxx strings. The format used for the DBMS input should be order-insensitive to prevent month/day/year ordering problems. The IDS_AUX_ECODE_FORMAT_xxxx strings are used to convert SQL_C_DATE, SQL_C_TIME, and SQL_C_TIMESTAMP parameters into character literals. These normally use the same DBMS format as the IDS_AUX_ECODE_TEMPLATE_xxxx strings.