sp_distcounters Replication Stored Procedure

Displays the latest information for all subscription servers. Used by SQL Performance Monitor.




This stored procedure returns the subscription server name, the number of delivered jobs, the number of undelivered jobs, the delivery rate (number of jobs per second), and the delivery latency (in seconds).

A delivered job is one that is still in the distribution database but has already been executed against the destination database. An undelivered job is one that is currently in the distribution database but has not yet been executed against the destination database. The delivery rate is the number of jobs per second that were executed in the last batch sent to that subscription server. Latency refers to the amount of time that elapses from when a job is inserted into the distribution database to when it is executed against the subscriber.

This information can be viewed by using the appropriate counters in SQL Performance Monitor.


This example displays the current status for the BLOODHOUND subscription server. Note "deliv" is short for delivered in this output.

subscriber  deliv_jobs  undeliv_jobs  delivery_rate  delivery_latency
----------  ----------  ------------  -------------  ---------------
BLOODHOUND  0               0             6              1


Execute permission defaults to the system administrator and is granted to public.

Table Used


See Also

sp_replsync sp_replica