sp_addsubscription Replication Stored Procedure

For SQL Server 6.5 information, see sp_addsubscription in What's New for SQL Server 6.5.

Adds a subscription to an article and sets the subscriber's status.


sp_addsubscription publication [, 'article'] , subscriber [, destination_db]
[, @sync_type = {'automatic' | 'manual' | 'none'}]
[, @status = {'inactive' | 'active' | 'subscribed'}]


Specifies the name of the publication.
Specifies the article that will be subscribed to. The article name must be unique within the publication. If set to all or not supplied, a subscription is added to all articles in that publication.
Is the name of the subscription server subscribing to this article.
Is the name of the destination database in which to place replicated data. The default uses the same name as the publication database.
Is the subscription synchronization type. When set to automatic (the default), synchronization is applied to the subscription server via the distribution process. When set to manual, a synchronization file is automatically produced, but it must be manually applied to the subscription server. This parameter can also be set to none (no initial synchronization).
Is the subscription status. If sync_type = none, the default for status is active; otherwise the default is subscribed. To enable a subscriber to see articles in a restricted publication article, a "placeholder" subscription must be created with inactive status.


Only the system administrator or database owner can locally add a subscription to an existing article.


This example adds the subscriber AIREDALE to the article authors in the publication authors_publication.

sp_addsubscription authors_publication, authors, AIREDALE


Execute permission defaults to the system administrator and database owner.

Tables Used

sysarticles, syspublications, syssubscriptions, sysservers

See Also

sp_changesubscription sp_helpsubscription
sp_changesubstatus sp_subscribe
sp_dropsubscription sp_unsubscribe