sp_dropsegment System Stored Procedure

Drops a segment from a database or unmaps a segment from a database device.


sp_dropsegment segname [, logical_name]


Is the segment to be dropped.
Specifies the database device that you want the segment segname to no longer use. This parameter is optional, except when dropping the SYSTEM, DEFAULT, and LOGSEGMENT system segments from a database device.


You cannot drop a segment if it is being referenced by any table or index in the current database.

If you do not supply a logical_name, the segment is dropped from the current database. If you supply a logical_name, the segment is dropped only from the named database device; it remains mapped to any previously specified devices and the segment remains in the database.

Using the sp_placeobject system stored procedure to change future space allocations for a table or an index from one segment to another removes the reference to the original segment. You can drop the original segment name with sp_dropsegment.

For the SYSTEM, DEFAULT, and LOGSEGMENT system segments, specify the device name from which you want the segments dropped.


A.    Drop a Segment

This example drops the segment INDEXES from the current database.

sp_dropsegment INDEXES
B.    Unmap a Segment

This example unmaps the segment INDEXES from the database device DEV1.

sp_dropsegment INDEXES, DEV1


Execute permission defaults to the database owner.

Tables Used

sysindexes, syssegments, master.dbo.sysdevices, master.dbo.sysusages

See Also

sp_addsegment sp_placeobject