sp_helpserver System Stored Procedure

For SQL Server 6.5 information, see sp_helpserver in What's New for SQL Server 6.5.

Reports information about a particular remote or replication server or about all servers of both types.


sp_helpserver [server_name]


Specifies the server about which information is to be displayed. When no server_name is supplied, reports about all servers in master.dbo.sysservers.


This system stored procedure returns the server's name, network name, status, and ID. Status can be:

dist Distribution server
dpub Combination publisher/subscriber
pub Publication server
rpc Remote server
sub Subscription server

A server can have more than one status.


Execute permissions defaults to the public group.

Tables Used

master.dbo.sp_values, master.dbo.sysservers


A.    Information About All Servers

This example displays information about all servers (sp_helpserver with no parameters).

B.    Information About a Specific Server

This example displays all information about the sales server.

sp_helpserver sales

See Also

sp_addpublisher sp_dropserver
sp_addserver sp_dropsubscriber
sp_addsubscriber sp_helpdistributor
sp_changesubscriber sp_helpremotelogin
sp_dboption sp_helpsubscriberinfo
sp_droppublisher sp_serveroption