syspublications (all databases)

Contains a row for each of the publications posted by the publishing server.

Column Datatype Description
description varchar(255) Descriptive entry for the publication.
name varchar(30) Unique name associated with the publication.
pubid int An identity column providing a unique ID number for the publication.
repl_freq tinyint 0 indicates transaction based; 1 indicates scheduled table refresh.
restricted bit Sets the security option for the publication. 1 indicates restricted; 0 indicates unrestricted. 0 is the default.
status tinyint 0 indicates log-based; 1 indicates not log-based; default is log-based, 0 is the default.
sync_method tinyint 0 indicates native bcp; 1 indicates char bcp.
taskid int Scheduled task ID.


unc1syspublications nonclustered, unique on pubid

unc2syspublications nonclustered, unique on name

Referenced by Stored Procedures

sp_addarticle sp_changesubstatus sp_helparticle
sp_addpublication sp_dboption sp_helparticlecolumns
sp_addsubscription sp_droparticle sp_helppublication
sp_articlecolumn sp_droppublication sp_helpsubscription
sp_changearticle sp_dropsubscription sp_subscribe
sp_changepublication sp_enumfullsubscribers sp_unsubscribe