
Contains one row for every scheduled task. Each task may be generated or executed in response to an alert. Tasks execute in the specified subsystem: replication (Distribution, LogReader, Sync), Transact-SQL (TSQL), or command-line executables (CmdExec).

Column Datatype Description
id int The ID of the task.
name varchar(100) The name of the task.
subsystem varchar(30) The subsystem used for a task: Distribution, LogReader, Sync, TSQL, or CmdExec.
server varchar(30) The server on which this task is executed.
username varchar(30) The username under which this task should be executed.
ownerloginid smallint(2) The login ID of the task creator.
databasename varchar(30) The database in which this task should be executed.
enabled tinyint The status of this task. (Boolean.)
freqtype int The primary frequency of this task. One time, On demand, Daily, and so on.
freqinterval int The interval of freqtype.
freqsubtype int The reschedule occurrence based on freqinterval. Once, every second, every minute, every hour.
freqsubinterval int The amount of time per freqsubtype when it's a unit of time.
freqrelativeinterval int The relative interval for day of month when the freqtype is monthly (32).
freqrecurrencefactor int The recurrence factor based on the freqtype.
activestartdate int The date and time after which this task may be scheduled.
activeenddate int The date and time after which this task may no longer be scheduled.
activestarttimeofday int The time of day when this task is active.
activeendtimeofday int The time of day this task is active.
lastrundate int The date this task was last executed.
lastruntime int The time of day this task was last executed.
nextrundate int The date this task is scheduled to be executed next.
nextruntime int The time of day this task is scheduled to be executed next.
runpriority int The Windows NT thread priority to use when executing this task.
emailoperatorid int The ID of the operator to whom e-mail is sent.
retryattempts int The number of retry attempts when a task execution fails.
retrydelay int The delay, in minutes, between retry attempts.
datecreated datetime The date and time this task was created.
datemodified datetime This date and time this task was last modified.
command varchar(255) Command to execute based on the subsystem.
lastruncompletionlevel int The task completion status of the last execution of this task.
lastrunduration int The duration of the last execution of this task.
lastrunretries int The number of retry attempts during the previous execution of this task.
loghistcompletionlevel int The task completion status which causes task history information to be logged.
emailcompletionlevel int The task completion status which causes notification of the operator by e-mail.
description varchar(255) Description of the task.
tagadditionalinfo varchar(96) Temporary storage space contained in this object. Used by replication.
tagobjectid int The ID of the object using temporary storage space. Used by replication.
tagobjecttype int The type of object using temporary storage space. Used by replication.


ucsystasks clustered, unique on name
uncsystasks nonclustered, unique on id

Referenced by Stored Procedures

sp_addalert sp_helphistory sp_updatealert
sp_addtask sp_helptask sp_updatetask
sp_droptask sp_purgehistory